Exemption and release of accountability clauses
Effective date: September 18, 2021
This document covers all courses offered by REJU Health Centre.
I hereby agree to the following:
I am participating in all courses and personal training or other training provided by REJU Health Centre, during which time I receive information and guidance on health and safety practices. I realize that these courses and training may require physical exertion, which can be strenuous and may cause physical injury, and I am fully aware of the risks and hazards involved.
Before and during the course, personal training or training, I understand that I have a responsibility to consult a doctor. I declare and warrant that I am in good health and that I have no health condition that prevents me from participating fully in these courses, training and treatments.
I agree to take full responsibility for any known or unknown risks, injuries or damages that may arise from participating in the training program. I agree to inform my tutor about any physical limitations, physical discomfort and/or injury before or in class, and I am fully responsible for confidentiality.
When I am allowed to participate in courses, training and treatment, I know, voluntarily and expressly waive any claims that I may bring against REJU Health Centre for injury or damage caused by participating in this training program.
I have read the above exemption and release of accountability clauses and fully understand their content. I voluntarily agree to its content. I voluntarily agree to the above terms and conditions.